The French Course
This is an eight-day residential course, based in Carcassonne, in the south of France; a range of dates are available throughout the year to accommodate schools' and participants' preferences. It is funded by the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme and will help you develop your language teaching, form links with French primary schools and network with other teachers in your area.
This course will provide quality language lessons delivered by native speakers, who are experienced in teaching their mother tongue as a
foreign language (FLE). Participants will be grouped according to their language proficiency, which can range from an absolute beginner right through to degree level.
Links with teachers and children can be established during a one day work shadow in a French primary school.
Attending this course will:
improve participants’ language proficiency and develop their
confidence in using French, leading to increased use of target
language in their lessons on their return to the UK
give participants first-hand experiences of the culture through a
range of activities and by immersing them in local life. This will
impact positively on their intercultural awareness and increase their
subject knowledge
give participants a bank of effective and engaging ideas to encourage
active learning and facilitate excellence in the primary languages
encourage the use of ICT and new digital technologies in language
familiarise them with key documents and resources enabling them to
become more effective language teachers
encourage links between British and French teachers with a view to
developing future projects (eg job shadowing opportunities and
Comenius School Partnerships)
The Cité
Medieval Castle, Carcassonne
Located on the right bank of the river Aude, stands a stunning Medieval Castle.
La Cité has 52 towers and is surrounded by two concentric walls totalling 3 km in length.
The Cité is a great place to find out about the history of the
region. Learning activities will take place here during the
day and cultural activities during the evening.